Saturday, August 29, 2009

Looking forward to "Citizenship"

When I checked my Google analytics this morning, I found most visitors were looking at my cv--- and it needed some updating. A complete site overhaul may be in the near future. In the updating process- I found the image on the left, posted by the talented Ms. Annie Heckman from the "For A Limited Time Only" install this past March. Ahh, lots of good memories.

As the deadline approaches for the install of "Material Studies", the anticipation of seeing the work together with some other like-minded artists builds. This past year has been a great one for shows, and I am interested in seeing the conversation of my work with Erin K. Cork, Courtney Henson, Christine A. Holtz, Jessica May, and Alicia Pigg.

Christine is the curator and friend with a similar approach to material but much more humor inserted in to the works. My tongue in cheek approach can sometimes go over as well as my facetious comments that go unnoticed as humor. On our second meeting, we discovered both had created artwork from cigarettes; Her's a pacifier, mine a stole.

Being included as part of Innovations 8 has opened my eyes to the benefits of living in a larger city. The locals have cultivated a rich legacy and vibrant community of textiles and fiber art(ist)s in the region.

Good Citizen has put on several strong shows, including Deborah McClary (some of my favorite painting I have seen since no longer including it as part of my studio practice). The space is both immaculate and full of character with a friendly owner to boot, so you feel comfortable staying to enjoy.

I am looking forward to creeping under Erin Cork's couch... with a birdseed drawing.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer Class Photo

Here's a photo of the lovely ladies in my July Accurate Mark-Making class at the St. Louis Artist Guild. The setting of the class was an improvement over the last session- the upstairs studio is light- and plant- filled. The Guild is located in Oak Knoll Park- and the weather was gorgeous enough to work outside two of the days- in Missouri in July. It was a wonderful time- and definitely a learning experience for me as well. It's always great to meet new people who enrich your world with their viewpoints, stories and humor.

Installation and Recovery

I spent the last five days in a marathon session of driving and installing artwork in three galleries at McHenry County College outside of Crystal Lake, IL. On top of 15 hour days and two hours of driving from my incredibly hospitable pals in DeKalb and the college- I am slowly gaining back sleep and comprehension. My eyes feel like the apparatus from Clockwork Orange is keeping them open.

I am often over-prepared with contingency plans and like to keep my options open- making installing after only visiting a site once- both a thrilling and exhausting experience. Several aspects of the installations were altered once I arrived and took a closer look at the gallery spaces. Luckily, the gallery director Sandra Lange was a pleasure to work alongside and rest of the the college staff friendly and accommodating. The restorative powers of food- especially eating some real fast food- crepes at Crystal Lake's Chez Pierre Creperie made the long dark drive "home" possible.

Gallery One-
A slide show of little drawings of idiosyncratic maps of my process of getting used to St. Louis as my new home. Set up like a war room briefing, with a confusing map that changes as your orientation changes.

Gallery Two: A reassembly of my new kitchen's wallpaper.

Galleryspace 144- Here's a few shots of "Natural Defenses" the combination of conduit, landscape fabric, and branches in phlanx formation. For economic reasons I had to fit my three installations into my 4-door sedan to make this trip manageable . If you get to visit this one- take a big whiff- the odor of earth is refreshing...

Monday, August 10, 2009

For Each Adventure...

Word of the Day

Monday, August 10, 2009


\puhr-uhd-VEN-chuhr; pehr-\ , adverb:
1.[Archaic] Possibly; perhaps.
1.Chance, uncertainty, or doubt.

Thanks google word of the day. I forget the new stuff always comes with some doubt and optional discomfort.