Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summary Statements for August's Install

This artwork has all been created during the last year, in which my family has relocated for a job opportunity to Saint Louis and into a new home. I have documented the uncomfortable process of acclimatizing to a new city and its quirks by creating small drawings that take into account the emotional discoveries along the way. These small works are magnified by a digital projector in Gallery Two and serve as a bit of “war room briefing” of what others can expect from the process. The words and works are meant to be a humorous and personal record of processing new information and places.

In Gallery One, I continue this idea through the home we purchased a few months ago. Removing the wallpaper- a painful endeavor, I decided to make a trophy of the former skin of the kitchen. This destructive act made the house like a home.

Now a caretaker of a large yard and small garden, I have been researching composting, soil ecology, and native plantings. The resilience of the prolific organisms under the soil and above inspired this work combining mechanical and natural elements into an ancient warfare formation. This aggressive, yet playful work seems appropriate in Art Space 144 across from the athletic trophy cases.

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