Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Documentation help to the rescue!

A huge thanks to Jen for lunch and introducing me to Andrew, a video student excited to track down some resources for recording the opening. WooHoo! This very friendly campus just seems more wonderful with each passing day. Fred's help with ventilating the gallery, Brenda's extra trash bags, and several others offered help and encouragement.

I'm grabbing some food after meeting with photographer Jeffery Bruce. I'm excited to see the outcome. He brought up several issues inherent with the work and the necessary shots to capture them. We shared a few stories about experiencing Japan. Today has definitely driven home the notion that the arts attract generous people. Good times (especially after nearly solitary confinement over the last week).

Bring on the caloric intake- I need some energy to make a lot of decisions tonight. I hope to finish up behind the stairs and the light table tonight.

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