Monday, August 17, 2009

Installation and Recovery

I spent the last five days in a marathon session of driving and installing artwork in three galleries at McHenry County College outside of Crystal Lake, IL. On top of 15 hour days and two hours of driving from my incredibly hospitable pals in DeKalb and the college- I am slowly gaining back sleep and comprehension. My eyes feel like the apparatus from Clockwork Orange is keeping them open.

I am often over-prepared with contingency plans and like to keep my options open- making installing after only visiting a site once- both a thrilling and exhausting experience. Several aspects of the installations were altered once I arrived and took a closer look at the gallery spaces. Luckily, the gallery director Sandra Lange was a pleasure to work alongside and rest of the the college staff friendly and accommodating. The restorative powers of food- especially eating some real fast food- crepes at Crystal Lake's Chez Pierre Creperie made the long dark drive "home" possible.

Gallery One-
A slide show of little drawings of idiosyncratic maps of my process of getting used to St. Louis as my new home. Set up like a war room briefing, with a confusing map that changes as your orientation changes.

Gallery Two: A reassembly of my new kitchen's wallpaper.

Galleryspace 144- Here's a few shots of "Natural Defenses" the combination of conduit, landscape fabric, and branches in phlanx formation. For economic reasons I had to fit my three installations into my 4-door sedan to make this trip manageable . If you get to visit this one- take a big whiff- the odor of earth is refreshing...

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