Thursday, July 9, 2009

with a 10-foot pole...

I've been spending the last week putting together all the last scraps of wallpaper and finalizing the mounting process. I'm going to be an expert at ironing after not using it for my first decades of life. I've caught a snag in the ordering of the cream felt, so I'll have to literally wrap up the wallpaper in the pink gauze and clear out space to work on the phalanx installation in the interim.
I purchased more conduit for the ArtSpace 144 installation today--- and decided on PVC for the wider pipe if I need more of a transition from the 90-inch circumference pole in the space already.10 feet is longer than I imagined and the length created quite a few logistical challenges. I almost flipped over my cart in the aisle loading my needs and had to switch to a horizontal cart. Missouri's heat is much harder to bear when toting pipes out open windows and going slow to accommodate the load. I had to store it on end in the garage at the peak of the roof. Good thing we don't have an attic in the garage. Now for more research on fabrics and coverage, as well as hanging methods. Tomorrow will be an uninterrupted studio day, except for one afternoon appointment and perhaps that pesky lawn.

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